quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2013

Porta Guardanapos de Feltro estrela #feltro #moldes #feltrofacil #moldesfeltrofacil #artesanatoemgeral #apostila #moldeseapostias

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

 Uma gracinha de porta-guardanapos, que pode ser feito com outros formatos também! A ideia é do site: http://www.merrimentdesign.com/fourth-of-july-felt-and-button-star-napkin-rings.php

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

Merriment :: Fourth of July felt and button star napkin rings by Kathy Beymer

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